To encourage and assist fibre artists to achieve their
fullest potential by providing advice, facilities
and educational material in an enjoyable
social environment.

Meetings held weekly on Wednesday at Possum Hollow Hall within Townsville Showgrounds, Hyde Park. 10am - 1-00pm

Saturday 24 April 2010

Extraordinary Works!

Recently these unusual items were shown at the Wednesday Show and Tell. On the left is some intricate lace work done by Mary. Peter brought along an art piece he had done while at university, worked in fabric, a portrait of a blind man who had sat for him. Peter created the contours using stitch so that the man could feel what he had created. And, in the top right hand corner is the chair in which Glenys skillfully restored the caning of the back rest.

1 comment:

  1. These are all wonderful. Thank you for showing them to us.
