To encourage and assist fibre artists to achieve their
fullest potential by providing advice, facilities
and educational material in an enjoyable
social environment.

Meetings held weekly on Wednesday at Possum Hollow Hall within Townsville Showgrounds, Hyde Park. 10am - 1-00pm

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Onions, Tea, Bleach, Rust and Vinegar!

At Creative Arts last Friday Annette led a workshop on using onion skins to dye fabric with variations when using egg, tea and rust combinations. Marion led a workshop on using bleach to make imprints on cloth. Both gave the participants a lot of fun and the observers enjoyed watching the processes in action.

To see these photos in a slideshow with blow by blow titles click here.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Birthdays at Fibres

Pam and Nita both have birthdays this month. To celebrate and wish them well Fibres and Fabrics Members made ATC's and Three Inch Squares. Happy Birthday Nita and Pam. Click on the link to view individual  miniature artworks in the gallery.