To encourage and assist fibre artists to achieve their
fullest potential by providing advice, facilities
and educational material in an enjoyable
social environment.

Meetings held weekly on Wednesday at Possum Hollow Hall within Townsville Showgrounds, Hyde Park. 10am - 1-00pm

Friday, 28 May 2010

Paper Weaving

Bookies group had lots of fun learning to weave two images together to form a new complex picture. Pictured below, Marion shared the skill, assisted by Barb.

Members of the group set about the task with enthusiasm and here are some of the results.

Thank you Marion and Barb. We all enjoyed ourselves very much.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Tea Leaves - an exhibition by one of our own!

See you there!

Added later: To see some photos of the exhibition go to Annette's blog.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Show and Tell last Wednesday

Randomly selected from amongst the many interesting items shown at the meeting, here are just a few to share with you:

Above is a sample of what Andy S did with some of her rusty papers from the rustathon. For photos of a few more of these look in her album under Members' Albums to the right of this column.

Below is Sue D with a tapestry she finished recently.

And here are a set of unusually covered bottles by Joy M.

Members are bringing such beautiful and interesting things along to show and tell that there is always something to inspire everyone. Well worth coming along to have a look if you can make it.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

A Passion for Rust!

A large group of Fiberians with a passion for rust gathered on a beautiful May day in Barb's shady backyard and dipped a variety of papers in solutions and wrapped rusty things in vinegar and water soaked cloth. And relaxed in the shade, chatting and drinking lots of tea and coffee. We were so pleased to have three very welcome Ayr ladies join us and look forward to seeing more of them soon.                           
Mouths were kept as busy as hands! Annette's partook of some well-deserved refreshment while Birte's teeth helped out when she ran out of hands.

Thank you Barb for mixing all those tubs of solution and for hosting such an enjoyable rustathon and Annette S for sharing her cloth rusting prowess with us.

SO!!! Now we all have the foundations with which to start on our 2010 Challenge: ‘Lengths of the Earth’ SCAVENGER HUNT, to be finished by Nov 2010

1. 150mm – 300mm WIDE
2. 1500mm – 2500mm LONG
3. Earth tones plus one colour.
4. Construction needs to have a rigid top so it can be hung in free space.
5. Must be able to be rolled for easy transportation.

Here is a list of things to be found and included on the work.
1. Add to your work, a recycled treasure
2. A beach object found ,during your leisure.
3. Now all heads go down, for a footpath find
4. You must add something with a brilliant shine.
5. Something that came to you in the mail,
6. A thing that is woven, have you gone pale?
7. Your wardrobe will yield a fragment to add
8. A print from your kitchen, that’s not too bad
9. An item that’s yielded from high aloft
10. Another you find that is very soft
11. You may use any way, an item of rust,
12. And something sticky, a definite must.
13. Foliage collected up high or down low.
14. A gift from earth and you’re ready to go.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Call for Submissions for the TAFTA Book: FibreDesign

NEW! The Fibre Design Book for Australia and New Zealand. Deadline for entries is 1st September 2010 in hopes the book can be published by December of this year. Valerie Kirk is coordinating a judging team which also includes Annie Trevillian and Tony Dyer from Australia, and Christine Keller from New Zealand. Judging is based on digital images which must be of the highest quality – full details from TAFTA’s website: (click on Fibre Design book). Garry Benson, the book’s designer, will review all images for quality and, if there is sufficient time, people may resubmit images according to his suggestions, if image quality needs improving. So it’s wise to lodge entries early! Up to three works can be submitted, with nine categories specified. This is a unique opportunity – you’ve shown the dedication to make your work, now resolve to apply to be in this high quality publication, being published by TAFTA (The Australian Forum for Textile Arts, Ltd), a not-for-profit arts organization that promotes the textile arts. TAFTA is working together with Dragon Design (Garry Benson and Jayne Stacey) on this project, first proposed by Dragon Design.

Categories: 3-Dimensional work; Basketry; Needlework; Paper & Felt; Surface Design; Quilting; 2-Dimensional work; Tapestry; Wearables.

Flowers in the Sunshine - Del's Workshop

Last Thursday a group of Fibres enthusiasts were treated to Del H's workshop Flowers in the Sunshine.

For a comprehensive tour through the workshop click on the Flowers in the Sunshine link under Member's Albuns or just click here. If you missed the workshop and would like to make the art quilt, Del has the tutorials on her blog. Everyone enjoyed themselves so much, Del. Thank you for your generosity in sharing the workshop with us. And welcome to Fibres!

Just fo Fun.

Thought this might tickle some members' fancy! Have a look at what another group in Bunbury, Western Australia put together for Morning Tea !

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Glen Skien Workshop

Judy, Susie, Joan, Sharyn, Barb and Carol enjoyed a workshop held by Glen Skien at the Perc Tucker Gallery on Saturday afternoon. This followed a most interesting talk by Glen earlier in the day. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of what you all learnt on Wednesday!

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Delia'a Class

We were treated to a display of some of Delia H's work at Show and Tell last Wednesday. Del is a textile artist from the Sunshine Coast who visited our group and was pursuaded to join. To see more of her work visit her blog, Delia's Place . Del's aim is to learn everything she can and to pass it on. In keeping with this philosophy she has generously offered to give us a class on Thursday 13th May at the farmhouse starting at 9.30, on her Flowers in the Sunshine art quilt. An example of this project is pictured below.

 If you'd like to come to the Flowers in the Sunshine Class here is a list of  requirements:

  1. A4 (11.5” x 8.5”) size piece of felt (don’t get a really fluffy one)
  2. Black net 1” larger then felt
  3. Vlisoflex (paper backed fusible web) or heat and bond 1” large then felt
  4. Binding and backing fabric
  5. Angelina in colour of your choice
  6. Fabric Paint I use Jo Sonia but any will work
  7. Silk flowers and leaves of your choice pull these apart taking all stamens and plastic off back of the silk flower and leaves. You may pick any type of flower you want but don’t make them too big or bulky.
  8. Motif of something like butterfly if you like to use
  9. Beads of your colour choice to finish
  10. Metallic Machine Embroidery thread I like to use hologram as it is flat and not round and does not break as easily.
  11. Metallic or Embroidery needle. They have bigger eyes.
  12. Del usually sews straight onto the felt but if your machine will not sew on this use a tearaway behind it or vilene.
  13. Sewing machine in good order and able to drop the feed dogs.
  14. Usual sewing needs and cutting mat and cutter.
See you there! (Thanks Del.)