To encourage and assist fibre artists to achieve their
fullest potential by providing advice, facilities
and educational material in an enjoyable
social environment.

Meetings held weekly on Wednesday at Possum Hollow Hall within Townsville Showgrounds, Hyde Park. 10am - 1-00pm

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Friends and Neighbours!

Did you know that Kirsten who has just opened Pom Pom Rouge (click to see)

has listed our Fibres and Fabrics blog right at the top of her list of blogs to visit? Now that's a very friendly gesture in the blog world. Thank you Kirsten.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Art Safari!

A group of Fibre Folk took advantage of a tour of the artists of Magnetic Island which was offered last week. It must've been very absorbing because not many photos were taken! Thanks to Annette and Margaret who took those you can see by clicking on the photo of Beryl and Susie relaxing in what appears to be shopping trolleys!!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Fibres Tasmania

Barb N and Pam W have returned from Launceston with lots of inspiring work. They both did 5 day master workshops, Barb with Glenys Mann and Pam with Charlotte Buch: (Denmark). To see some of their pieces click on Fibres Tasmania or go to the members' albums to the right of this post.

If you're interested in learning how to use rust baths to colour paper or cloth, Barb will be demonstrating the art on Friday, 9th October, at the Farm House.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Scrumbling and other Craftinesses

Today at the Wednesday social gathering there was a lot going on - when isn't there? But today perhaps more so than ever.
Dinie led a very successful 'Scrumbling' session which will be continued at the coming Fibres on Saturday gathering. (If you missed the post on scrumbling go back to the post dated Friday, 22nd May 2009 for an explanation.)
Pam was welcomed back from Fibres Tasmania 2009 by a very aristocratic Lah Cat which Susie M made her for her Altered Book display.

Amongst the items passed around at Show and Tell was this beautiful painting by Birte which she says she brought instead of her weekly watercolour because that didn't turn out as well as she'd imagined it would so found a home in the wastepaper basket. (That's me with camera reflected back at you in the glass and you might find me searching through Birte's wastepaper basket for her rejected but certain-to-be perfectly good work!)
After Show and Tell Deb P showed the Bookies group how to make a Christmas tree from a paperback novel. To see more photos please click on the above photo of Deb making stars for the trees.
It seems Barb N and Pam W had a wonderful time at Fibres Tasmania in Launceston and they brought back fabulous work from the workshops they attended. Above is one of Barb's mixed media pieces from her workshop with Glenys Mann. And below is some of Pam's amazing felting.
To see more photos of their work please click on Pam's felting above.

Okay, let's be honest, now. Whose sewing room (studio please - we're all artists!) doesn't look like Annette's, in which it appears she lost her letter?
The theme for this month's postcard is 'I had written him a letter' and it has inspired everyone involved to new heights! To see a few of the postcards please click on Annette's message above.
Well that was just some of what was happening at Fibres today. Keep in touch with upcoming events by looking at the diary to your right - and please leave a comment to show you've been here!

Monday, 14 September 2009

Blog Interactive Day

Today Susie, Jan, Christine, Lyn, Margaret D, Val K and Carol McG gathered to interact with the blog. We navigated around the various aspects, left comments for others to read and had some fun, lots of chatting and eating. Decided we might be the Fib and Flab group of Fibres and Fabrics! (Well some more than others anyway.) Hope to see more comments appearing on the blog now?

Friday, 11 September 2009

Wrapt in Rocky CQ Textile Forum 2010

Get ready to be…. Wrapt in Rocky -
CQ Textile Forum 2010:
Friday 25 June – Thursday 1 July 2010 at the
Rockhampton Girls Grammar School


Raewyn Penrose New Zealand

Felting:The Cutting Edge - Advanced class


Kathryn Wardill

Jewellery:Glass Bead Making


Keith lo Bue

Assemblage:Shrines and Icons


Jude Skeers

Knitting:Broome Beanie, Needle, Mobius & Cobweb Knitting


Effie Mitrofanis

Embroidery:Stitches, Wrapping and Cloth Books/ Amulets/Bags and/or Panels


Carol Wilkes

Surface:Surface Explorations


Adele Outteridge

Books:Books as Containers, Books in Containers: Thinking inside the book, thinking inside the box


Wanda Bennett

Basketry:Woven Story


Gloria Loughman

Quilting/Design:That Next Step: Experimenting with Colour and Design


Marie Therese Wisniowski

Dyeing/Printing:In Pursuit of Complex Cloth: Disperse Dye and Transfer Printing


Garry Benson

Photography:Digital Photography & DVD Production


Sarah Larsen

Mixed media:Mixed Media Masquerade


Lysbeth and Keith Gould

Papermaking:Papermaking - Special 2 Day work shop offered during forum!

Challenge yourself & become totally immersed in all things textile for 1 fantastic week.
Join in with some of the best textile tutors and students from across Australia.

A taste of the tropics… A sense of excitement… An absolutely fabulous time!
Full course and enrolment details available by September 15.
Contact or 07 49393885. Website coming soon!

Fibres Tasmania 2009 in Launceston

A number of Fibres folk are going to the Textile Fibre Forum in Launceston this coming week. We'd like to wish you a most enjoyable time and look forward to having you share your new found skills with us when you get back. Now, behave nicely ladies and bring nothing but honour to our name. Pam, be good!!! Barb, don't exhaust them with long walks before the days even start. And I hope you've all got enough winter woollies? Have fun.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Congratulations Marion!

We're so proud of Marion for winning the grand prize for her wonderfully deserving sailing boats in the Strand Ephemera this year. This photo doesn't do them justice, but click on the photo to see a slide show of some of the other exhibits taken yesterday evening. These were just a few of the entries. I didn't take photos of everything so, if you can, take a stroll along the beach front and see the amazing scultures and installations for yourself.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Show and Tell on 3rd September 2009

For a look at some of the items seen at Show and Tell on 3rd Septemeber click on Helen's cushion cover. A click on 3 Dimensional Patchwork will take you back to the workshop by which Helen's cushion is inspired.