To encourage and assist fibre artists to achieve their
fullest potential by providing advice, facilities
and educational material in an enjoyable
social environment.

Meetings held weekly on Wednesday at Possum Hollow Hall within Townsville Showgrounds, Hyde Park. 10am - 1-00pm

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Members' Albums

If you would like to keep an album of your work please email or give me a cd or memory stick of your photos and I'll set one up for you. If you've already recorded an album send me the link and I'll add it to the list so viewers can take a look. It'll be great fun to share in this way. Just to show you how it works I will make one for myself. (See under Members' Albums on the right - click once on my name.) This was Janet's suggestion, so we're looking forward to a copy of her album, aren't we?!

Embroidery Group.

What do the Embroidery Group do when they get together? I went along to see and if you click of the photo below you can see too!

I lost one photo of Joan R hemming her pants, but as you can see anything goes! And the company is excellent.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Magnetic Island Visit.

As Marion covered the Post Card Party very well in the newsletter, I'm going to skip right to the Magnetic Island visit.

On Wednesday a good twenty members took the ferry over to Magnetic Island to visit the craft group there. It was my first time to do this and I can't imagine why! It would've been worth closing the shop to go. It was a most enjoyable experience. To get an overall picture of the day click once on the photo above then slideshow in the top left hand corner of the window which opens.
The Magnetic Island ladies do an impressive amount of work for charity, supporting both indigenous and overseas organisations. Besides making these items they are a very talented group in a range of crafts. It was a real treat to view their show and tell.
We were served a scrumptous lunch of soup, bread and sandwiches and an array of dessert to tempt the most hardened figure watcher. I made sure I didn't loose my own figure by piling my plate! Yum!!

Friday, 19 June 2009

The Reason!

Let me introduce you:(L- R) Sinaed, Biyonce, Enya and KD.

They aren't paid up members of Fibres, but the reason why you haven't seen any new postings on the blog for a while. Every spare moment has been devoted to building their accommodation - a very rustic Chook Mahal. But it's done now and I promise to bring the blog up to date over the next few days. There's LOTS to show and tell!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Artist's Trading Cards

The Bookies group are running a monthly ATC (Artist's Trading Card) swap. For those who haven't heard of an ATC, it's a small card measuring 2 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches, either portrait or landscape. It's like an artist's business card! Traditionally, worldwide, ATCs are NEVER sold but only swapped. They can be made form any material, paper, card, fabric, fibres, anything, using any technique. On the back the artist writes his/her name, contact details if desired, place of residence, date made and the title of the card.
Bookies have opened this swap to anyone who would like to join in. All you need to do is make your ATC and give it to Janet B before Bookies group monthly meeting sealed inside an envelope with your name clearly printed on the outside. In exchange for your card you'll receive another made by someone else. It's great fun!
The exquisite card above and below was made by Janet B for May and is from her series "Footprints".

From me (Carol McG) Janet received the one below titled "Outback Trails".

Thanks for the photos, Janet.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Crossings - at Pinnacles.

If you want to treat yourself, take yourself to the Pinnacles Gallery to view the exhibition entitled Crossing. It's a wonderful display of mixed media installations relating to the Ross River. I'm sorry I can't show out-of-towners more, but the lady manning the display very properly wouldn't let me take photos, but there is an impressive array of work by various artists, from carved fishing boats at anchor to a static photo displays and all sorts in-between.
Our (yes, we claim you as our own when you're good) Marion is one of the exhibitors and sent me these photos or her fantastic bats and pneumataphores ..... (that's just a fancy name for the spiky things that mangroves stick up in the water). The bats appear to be woven basketry covered in a black fabric. Amazing! A light throws the shadows on the wall behind them and a video of some sort has an image of other bats flying across the area every so often. So beautifully presented.
Great work, Marion.

Saturday, 6 June 2009

The Easiest Bag!

If you'd like to follow instructions to make the easiest little bag to add to Pam's collection ..... click once on this link: Easiest Bag and have some fun!

Wednesday, 4th June.

We're truly fortunate to have a very comprehensive library on every craft discipline imaginable from which members are able to borrow books of their choice at no extra cost. It is very well (and compassionately, I might add as one who tends to be a slow returner!) run by Birte. New books are regularly added to the collection and a number of magazine subscriptions keep the library supplied with the latest editions.
On a Wednesday morning I love to meander around and see what everyone is doing or what they've brought along to share. Here are a few things which caught my eye.

Some exquisite felting.

An Embroidered teddy's tummy. He'll look like the magazine picture behind him when Sue B has completed him. I think she said he's the 8th one she's brought into the world!

Sue D's Butterfly postcard. Like the technique Sue!
The first of the 'All That Jazz' postcards by Jackie S. Wow!!

Our Anne knitting away in her favourite spot.

Busy hands making beautiful crochet work.

And sorting through the Threads of Habitat, trying to remember which bit we knitted so we can reclaim it to recycle, transform into something else maybe? Or just treasure as a personal memory of the great times had putting together that wonderful exhibition.

What a group of diversely talented people!